Space 50 - Calendrier Lunaire 2024

History of encyclopedia

This database is a continuation of SPACE 40 encyclopedia created in 1997 by prominent Czech and space enthusiast and expert and exponent of astronautics dr. Antonín Vítek. Until his death in February 2012, he devoted almost all his time to development, improvement and above all a continuous updating of the database. With the help of a few contributors, he compiled a unique product. In respect to its complexity and high quality of the collected data Space 40 is one of the leading pieces of ITS kind in the world.
The main users of the SPACE 40 have been space geeks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It was their interest and express recognition of what was behind their spontaneous decision to take the difficult task of keeping the calendrier lunaire 2024 (dates des phases lunaires) fully functional even after leaving dr. Vítek and preserve his work for the next generations of users.

On this occasion, some improvements have been incorporated into the product starting from 2012. A database concept for stored data has been introduced instead of the original text format used in case of the older data. The updated database called SPACE 50 keeps connections to the content of previous data in SPACE 40 and provides complete dataset over the total history of the space era.

Additionally, SPACE 50 is presented also in an English version. Both changes hopefully provide a more efficient and user-friendly environment while maintaining high professional standards of its content and make it available to the international community.
The aim of the SPACE database 50 is to keep technical and scientific parameters describing every payload-carrying man-made object that got into space together with short notes on its main operations, be it manned or robotic mission. It intends to be the valuable source of information for professionals and enthusiasts wishing to get a picture of the latest, as well as historical spacecraft flights.

Since 2014 SPACE 50 database is maintained and developed by the Czech Space Office.

SPACE 50 project is funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

How to use a data


In this table, the summary data are provided on the functional space object having been successfully delivered into orbit, and who has been labeled by the international COSPAR designation indicated at the top of the table.

General Information
Name - lists all known (used) name of the space object. The first is the most common or official name of the object, usually under which the object was registered with the UN, or in the catalog of the United States Space Command (USSpaceCom). If the name is an acronym or acronym word its explanation is given in square brackets. The names in exotic languages is accompanied with the English/Czech translation given in brackets clamp. The original names registered in another script than in the Latin alphabet are presented in the official transliteration. For the transliteration of names in Cyrillic, the English/Czech norm is used, for transliteration of names in Chinese the transliteration Phin-jin is used. For the other languages the English transliteration (or transcription) has been applied. Alternative (Czech) transcription of the Chinese and Japanese names is given between slashes. The name written in non-latin script is placed into angle brackets <>.

SSC - SSC catalog number allocated by the United States Space Command (USSpaceCom).

Launch - liftoff date and time in the UT [= Universal Time]. If the launch time is known only approximately (usually with an error not exceeding ± 10 minutes) and is derived from the object observation after its insertion into orbit it is indicated by the character “?" after the time value. Next entries include the most common name of the cosmodrome from which the space launch took place and the common name of the rocket used for the launch. The cosmodrome name is hyperlinked to a brief description of the spaceport. Several names of launchers also have a hypertext link to a brief description of the launcher.
Status - current orbit of the object or the fact it has already decayed in the atmosphere

Operator – organization and country responsible for the operation of the space object, alternatively, who has applied for the object registration at the UN register.

Producer - organization and country that produced the object.
Expected lifetime in orbit - the estimated time between the launch of the object and its natural demise. The artificial removal of the object from the orbit is not considered. If the value is marked as “unlimited”, it means that the time exceeds one million years.
Decay - the date or the time of the object decay in the atmosphere given in the UT time. If it is known, the name or coordinates of the decay place is given.

Category - the type of the space object.

Mass – mass of the object in kilograms. Unless stated otherwise, this is the objects mass after entering orbit and separation from the launcher.

Object description

Brief description of the object. Description is structured in generally two parts containing data about the bus and its systems and about the payload. The intention is to put together a factual and efficient package of information. All data presented has been taken from respective sources who are duly documented in the reference section.
Flight description
This part includes important events during the space object lifetime. No data on the extinction is given here (see the introductory table).

Orbit parameters

The explanation of values in table columns is given in the note below the table. Epoch - year, month, day and its part for which presented values are valid. The parameters are primarily derived from two-line elements distributed by the Space Track organization on behalf of USSpaceCom. Altitudes of perigee and apogee are calculated for a spherical Earth with radius 6378 km.

The position at geostationary orbit
This parameter is given for geosynchronous satellites (typically with an orbit inclination to the equator less than 17°) having average daily movements ranging from 0.99 to 1.01 orbit/day. Positions are calculated using own dedicated software processing the two-line elements provided by Space Track. The table values are updated when a one of following conditions is fulfilled:


This section provides selected documents containing more detailed information about the space object and its operations, as well the results achieved by the object. Links to online documents are given, however, their content may not be an updated or even are not any more available. Most hyperlinks to Internet sources include the square brackets at the end of the text containing the date of citation or of the last successful access.


Date of launch Spaceport Launcher COSPAR Name Decay
2018-01-08 01:00:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-001 A ZUMA
2018-01-09 03:24:33 Taiyuan Čchang čeng CZ-2D 2018-002 A to be announced
B to be announced
2018-01-11 23:18:05 Xichang CZ-3B/YZ-1 2018-003 A BEIDOU 3M3
2018-01-12 03:59:00 Šríharíkota PSLV-XL 2018-004 A CARTOSAT 2F
AC AO-92
2018-01-12 22:11:00 Western Test Range Delta 6920/10 2018-005 A USA 281
2018-01-13 07:10:18 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-2D 2018-006 A LKW-3
2018-01-17 21:06:11 Učinoura Epsilon-2 2018-007 A ASNARO-2
2018-01-19 04:12:00 Jiuquan CZ-11 2018-008 A OBJECT A
2018-01-20 00:48:00 Eastern Test Range Atlas 5 Model 401 2018-009 A SBIRS GEO 4 (USA 282)
2018-01-21 01:43:00 Mahia Electron 2018-010 A DOVE PIONEER
F HUMANITY STAR 2018-03-22
2018-01-25 05:39:05 Xichang Čchang čeng CZ-2C 2018-011 A WEINA 1A
2018-01-25 22:20:00 Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2018-012 A AL YAH 3
B SES 14
2018-01-31 21:25:18 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-013 A SES-16/GOVSAT-1
2018-02-01 02:07:18 Vostočnyj Sojuz-2.1a/Fregat 2018-014 A KANOPUS-V 3
2018-02-02 07:51:04 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-2D 2018-015 A FENGMANIU-1
2018-02-03 05:03:00 Učinoura SS-520-5 2018-016 A TRICOM-1R
2018-02-06 20:45:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon Heavy 2018-017 A TESLA ROADSTER
2018-02-12 05:03:04 Xichang CZ-3B/YZ-1 2018-018 A BEIDOU 3M5
2018-02-13 08:13:33 Bajkonur Sojuz-2.1a 2018-019 A PROGRESS MS-08
2018-02-22 14:17:00 Western Test Range Falcon-9 v1.1 2018-020 A PAZ
B to be announced
C to be announced
2018-02-27 04:34:00 Tanegašima Učú Sentá H-2A Model 202 2018-021 A IGS O-6
2018-03-01 22:02:00 Eastern Test Range Atlas 5 Model 541 2018-022 A GOES S
2018-03-06 05:33:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-023 A HISPASAT 30W-6
2018-03-09 17:10:06 Centre Spatial Guyanais Sojuz ST-B/Fregat-MT 2018-024 A O3B FM15
B O3B FM16
C O3B FM14
D O3B FM13
2018-03-17 07:10:05 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-2D 2018-025 A to be announced
2018-03-21 17:44:23 Bajkonur Sojuz-FG 2018-026 A SOYUZ MS-08
2018-03-29 11:26:00 Šríharíkota GSLV 2018-027 A GSAT 6A
2018-03-29 17:38:24 Pleseck Sojuz-2.1v 2018-028 A COSMOS 2525
2018-03-29 17:56:04 Xichang CZ-3B/YZ-1 2018-029 A BEIDOU 3M7
2018-03-30 14:13:51 Western Test Range Falcon-9 v1.1 2018-030 A IRIDIUM 144
2018-03-31 03:22:08 Taiyuan Čchang čeng CZ-4C 2018-031 A GAOFEN 1-02
2018-04-02 20:30:38 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.1 2018-032 A DRAGON CRS-14
2018-04-05 21:34:00 Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2018-033 A SUPERBIRD 8
2018-04-10 04:25:02 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-4C 2018-034 A YAOGAN-31 A
2018-04-11 22:34:00 Šríharíkota PSLV-XL 2018-035 A IRNSS 1I
2018-04-14 23:13:00 Eastern Test Range Atlas 5 Model 551 2018-036 A USA 283
B USA 284
2018-04-18 22:11:59 Bajkonur Proton-M/Briz-M 2018-037 A COSMOS 2526
2018-04-18 22:51:31 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-038 A TESS
2018-04-25 17:57:52 Pleseck Rokot/Briz-KM 2018-039 A SENTINEL 3B
2018-04-26 04:42:00 Jiuquan CZ-11 2018-040 A ZHUHAI-1 OHS-01
2018-05-03 16:06:06 Xichang CZ-3B/G2 2018-041 A APSTAR 6C
2018-05-05 11:05:01 Western Test Range Atlas 5 Model 401 2018-042 A INSIGHT
B MARCO-A 2018-05-05
C MARCO-B 2018-05-05
2018-05-08 18:28:41 Taiyuan Čchang čeng CZ-4C 2018-043 A GAOFEN-5
2018-05-11 20:14:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-044 A BANGABANDHUSAT-1
2018-05-20 21:28:50 Xichang Čchang čeng CZ-4C 2018-045 A QUEQIAO
2018-05-21 08:44:10 Wallops Island Antares-230 2018-046 A CYGNUS OA-9
2018-05-22 19:47:58 Western Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-047 A GRACE-FO 1
2018-06-02 04:13:04 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-2D 2018-048 A GAOFEN 6
2018-06-04 04:45:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-049 A SES-12
2018-06-05 13:07:04 Xichang Čchang čeng CZ-3A 2018-050 A FENGYUN 2H
2018-06-06 11:12:40 Bajkonur Sojuz-FG 2018-051 A SOYUZ MS-09
2018-06-12 04:20:00 Tanegašima Učú Sentá H-2A Model 202 2018-052 A OBJECT A
2018-06-16 21:46:28 Pleseck Sojuz-2.1b/Fregat-M 2018-053 A COSMOS 2527 (GLONASS)
2018-06-27 03:30:06 Xichang Čchang čeng CZ-2C 2018-054 A XJS A
2018-06-29 09:42:42 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-055 A DRAGON CRS-15
2018-07-09 03:56:14 Jiuquan Čchang čeng CZ-2C 2018-056 A PAKTES 1A
2018-07-09 20:58:05 Xichang Čchang čeng CZ-3A 2018-057 A BEIDOU IGSO-7
2018-07-09 21:51:34 Bajkonur Sojuz-2.1a 2018-058 A PROGRESS MS-09
2018-07-22 05:50:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-059 A TELSTAR 19V
2018-07-25 11:25:01 Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2018-060 A OBJECT A
2018-07-25 11:39:26 Western Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-061 A IRIDIUM 160
2018-07-29 01:48:05 Xichang CZ-3B/YZ-1 2018-062 A BEIDOU 3M9
2018-07-31 03:00:05 Taiyuan Čchang čeng CZ-4B 2018-063 A GAOFEN 11
2018-08-07 05:18:00 Eastern Test Range Falcon-9 v1.2 2018-064 A TELKOM-4
2018-08-12 07:31:00 Eastern Test Range Delta 4 Heavy / Star-48BV 2018-065 A PARKER SOLAR PROBE


COSPAR Name Date Launcher Spaceport
1962-009A 1MS 1 <=1МС 1> 1962-04-06 17:15:00 Kosmos-2 KJ
1961-002A 1VA No. 1 <=1ВА № 1> 1961-02-04 01:18:03 Molnija BA
1961-003A 1VA No. 2 <=1ВА № 2> 1961-02-12 00:34:36 Molnija BA



Date of launch State Spaceport Launcher COSPAR Name Decay
2018-07-25 11:25:01 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2018-060 A OBJECT A
2018-04-05 21:34:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2018-033 A SUPERBIRD 8
2018-01-25 22:20:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2018-012 A AL YAH 3
B SES 14
2017-12-12 18:36:07 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2017-079 A GALILEO 19 (2C5)
B GALILEO 20 (2C6)
C GALILEO 21 (2C7)
D GALILEO 22 (2C8)
2017-09-29 21:56:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2017-059 A INTELSAT-37E
2017-06-28 21:15:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2017-040 A Hellas Sat 3
2017-06-01 23:45:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2017-029 A ViaSat-2
B Eutelsat 172B
2017-05-04 21:50:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2017-023 A Koreasat 7
2017-02-14 21:39:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2017-007 A Telkom 3S
B Intelsat 32e
2016-12-21 20:30:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-082 A JCSAT 15
2016-11-17 13:06:48 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2016-069 A GALILEO 15
2016-10-05 20:30:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-060 A GSAT-18
B Sky Muster II
2016-08-24 22:16:01 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-053 A INTELSAT 36
2016-06-18 21:38:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-039 A BRISAT
2016-03-09 05:20:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-014 A EUTE 65W
2016-01-27 23:20:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2016-004 A Intelsat 29e
2015-11-10 21:34:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-065 A GSAT-15
B Badr 7
2015-09-30 20:30:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-054 A Sky Muster I
2015-08-21 20:34:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-039 A Intelsat 34
2015-07-15 21:42:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-034 A MSG 4
2015-05-27 21:16:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-026 A DirecTV 15
B Sky Mexico 1
2015-04-26 20:00:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2015-022 A THOR 7
2014-12-06 20:40:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2014-078 A GSAT-16
B DirecTV-14
2014-10-16 21:43:52 XIT Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2014-062 A Intelsat 30
2014-09-11 22:05:07 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2014-054 A Optus-10
B Measat-3B
2014-07-29 23:47:38 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2014-044 A ATV-5
2014-03-22 22:04:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2014-011 A Astra 5B
B Amazonas 4A
2014-02-06 21:30:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2014-006 A ABS-2
B Athena-Fidus
2013-08-29 20:30:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2013-044 A Eutelsat 25B
2013-07-25 19:53:08 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2013-038 A Alphasat I-XL
2013-06-05 21:52:11 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2013-027 A ATV-4
2013-02-07 21:36:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2013-006 A Amazonas-3
B Azerspace/Africasat-1a
2012-12-19 21:49:07 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-075 A Skynet 5D
B Mexsat-3
2012-11-10 21:05:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-062 A Star One C3
B Eutelsat 21B
2012-09-28 21:18:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-051 A Astra 2F
2012-08-02 20:54:12 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-043 A Intelsat 20
2012-07-05 21:36:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-035 A EchoStar XVII
2012-05-15 22:13:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2012-023 A JCSAT 13
2012-03-23 04:34:05 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2012-010 A ATV-3
2011-09-21 21:38:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2011-049 A Arabsat 5C
2011-08-06 22:52:37 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2011-041 A Astra 1N
B B-Sat 3c / JCSat-110R
2011-05-20 20:38:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2011-022 A GSat-8
B ST-2
2011-04-22 21:37:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2011-016 A Intelsat New Dawn
B Yahsat Y1A
2011-02-16 21:50:55 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2011-007 A ATV-2
2010-12-29 21:27:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-070 A Hispasat 1E
B Mugungwa 6ho
2010-11-26 18:39:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-065 A HYLAS-1
B Intelsat 17
2010-10-28 21:51:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-056 A Eutelsat W3B
B B-Sat 3b
2010-08-04 20:59:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-037 A Nilesat 201
B Rascom-QAF 1R
2010-06-26 21:41:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-032 A Cheollian
B Badr 5A
2010-05-21 22:01:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2010-021 A Astra 3B
2009-12-18 16:26:37 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2009-073 A Hélios 2B
2009-10-29 20:00:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-058 A NSS-12
B Thor 6
2009-10-01 21:59:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-054 A Amazonas 2
2009-08-21 22:09:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-044 A JCSat-12
B Optus D3
2009-07-01 17:52:09 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-035 A TerreStar-1
2009-05-14 13:12:02 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-026 A Herschel
B Planck
2009-02-12 22:09:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2009-008 A NSS-9
B Hot Bird 10
2008-12-20 22:35:07 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2008-065 A Hotbird 9
2008-08-14 20:44:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2008-038 A Superbird 7
B Americom 21
2008-07-07 21:47:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2008-034 A ProtoStar 1
B Badr 6
2008-06-12 22:05:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2008-030 A Skynet 5C
B Turksat 3A
2008-04-18 22:17:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2008-018 A Vinasat 1
B Star One C2
2008-03-09 04:03:04 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5ES 2008-008 A ATV-1
2007-12-21 21:42:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2007-063 A Rascom-QAF 1
B Horizons 2
2007-11-14 22:06:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2007-056 A Skynet 5B
B Star One C1
2007-10-05 21:28:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2007-044 A Intelsat 11
B Optus D2
2007-08-14 23:44:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2007-036 A Spaceway F-3
B B-Sat 3a
2007-05-04 22:29:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2007-016 A Astra 1L
B Galaxy 17
2007-03-11 22:03:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2007-007 A INSAT-4B
B Skynet 5A
2006-12-08 22:08:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2006-054 A WildBlue 1
B Americom 18
2006-10-13 20:56:07 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2006-043 A DirecTV-9S
B Optus D1
2006-08-11 22:15:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2006-033 A JCSat-10
B Syracuse 3B
2006-05-27 21:09:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2006-020 A Satmex 6
B Thaicom 5
2006-03-11 22:32:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2006-007 A Spainsat
B Hot Bird 7A
2005-12-21 22:33:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2005-049 A Insat-4A
2005-11-16 23:46:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2005-046 A Spaceway F-2
B Telkom 2
2005-10-13 22:32:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2005-041 A Galaxy 15
B Syracuse 3A
2005-08-11 08:20:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5GS 2005-028 A Ipstar 1
2005-02-12 21:03:08 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA 2005-005 A XTAR-EUR
B Maqsat-B2
C Sloshsat
2004-12-18 16:26:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G+ 2004-049 A Hélios 2A
B Nanosat 01
C Essaim 1
D Essaim 2
E Essaim 3
F Essaim 4
2004-07-18 00:44:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G+ 2004-027 A Anik F2
2004-03-02 07:17:51 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G+ 2004-006 A Rosetta
2003-09-27 23:14:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G 2003-043 A e-Bird
E Insat 3E
2003-06-11 22:38:22 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G 2003-028 A B-Sat 2c
B Optus C1
2003-04-09 22:52:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5G 2003-013 A Insat 3A
B Galaxy 12
2003-02-15 07:00:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 44L 2003-007 A Intelsat 907
2002-12-17 23:04:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 44L 2002-057 A NSS-6
2002-12-11 00:00:00 FRA Centre Spatial Guyanais Ariane 5 ECA

| |
Hot Bird 7

| |

2002-09-06 06:44:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2002-041 | A | Intelsat 906 |
2002-08-28 22:45:17 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2002-040 | A | Atlantic Bird 1 |
B | MSG-1 |
2002-07-05 23:22:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2002-035 | A | Stellat 5 |
B | N Star-c |
2002-06-05 06:44:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2002-027 | A | Intelsat 905 |
2002-05-04 01:31:46 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 2002-021 | A | SPOT-5 |
B | Idefix |
2002-04-16 23:02:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2002-019 | A | NSS-7 |
2002-03-29 01:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2002-015 | A | JCSat-8 |
B | Astra 3A |
2002-03-01 01:07:59 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2002-009 | A | Envisat |
2002-02-23 06:59:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2002-007 | A | Intelsat 904 |
2002-01-23 23:46:57 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 2002-002 | A | Insat 3C |
2001-11-27 00:35:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 2001-052 | A | DirecTV-4S |
2001-09-25 23:21:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 2001-042 | A | Atlantic Bird 2 |
2001-08-30 06:46:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2001-039 | A | Intelsat 902 |
2001-07-12 21:58:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2001-029 | A | Artemis |
B | B-Sat 2b |
2001-06-09 06:45:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2001-024 | A | Intelsat 901 |
2001-03-08 22:51:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2001-011 | A | Eurobird 1 |
B | B-Sat 2a |
2001-02-07 23:06:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2001-005 | A | Sicral 1 |
B | Skynet 4F |
2001-01-10 22:09:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 2001-002 | A | Turksat 2A |
2000-12-20 00:26:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2000-081 | A | Astra 2D |
B | Americom 8 |
2000-11-21 23:56:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 2000-076 | A | Anik F1 |
2000-11-16 01:07:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2000-072 | A | PAS-1R |
B | Amsat P3D |
C | STRV-1C |
D | STRV-1D |
2000-10-29 05:59:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 2000-068 | A | Europe*Star 1 |
2000-10-06 23:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 2000-060 | A | NSat-110 |
2000-09-14 22:54:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5G | 2000-054 | A | Astra 2B |
B | Americom 7 |
2000-09-06 22:33:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 2000-052 | A | Eutelsat W1® |
2000-08-17 23:16:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 2000-046 | A | Brasilsat B4 |
B | Nilesat 102 |
2000-04-19 00:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 2000-020 | A | Galaxy 4R |
2000-03-21 23:28:19 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5 | 2000-016 | A | AsiaStar |
B | Insat 3B |
2000-02-18 01:04:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 2000-012 | A | Superbird 4 |
2000-01-25 01:04:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 2000-002 | A | Galaxy 10R |
1999-12-22 00:50:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1999-071 | A | Galaxy 11 |
1999-12-10 14:32:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5 | 1999-066 | A | XMM-Newton |
1999-12-03 16:22:46 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40 | 1999-064 | A | Helios 1B |
B | Clementine |
1999-11-13 22:55:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1999-060 | A | Americom 4 |
1999-10-19 06:22:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1999-059 | A | Telstar 12 |
1999-09-25 06:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1999-052 | A | Intelsat Americas 7 |
1999-09-07 22:34:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1999-046 | A | Koreasat 3 |
1999-08-12 22:52:04 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1999-042 | A | Telkom 1 |
1999-04-02 22:03:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1999-016 | A | Insat 2E |
1999-02-26 22:44:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1999-009 | A | Arabsat 3A |
B | Skynet 4E |
1998-12-22 01:08:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 1998-075 | A | PAS-6B |
1998-12-06 00:43:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 1998-070 | A | Satmex 5 |
1998-10-28 22:15:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1998-063 | A | AfriStar |
B | GE-5 |
1998-10-21 16:37:21 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5 | 1998-059 | A | Maqsat-3 |
1998-10-05 22:51:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1998-056 | A | Eutelsat W2 |
B | Sirius 3 |
1998-09-16 06:31:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1998-052 | A | PAS-7 |
1998-08-25 23:07:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1998-049 | A | ST-1 |
1998-04-28 22:53:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1998-024 | A | Nilesat 101 |
B | B-Sat 1b |
1998-03-23 01:46:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40 | 1998-017 | A | SPOT-4 |
1998-02-27 22:38:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1998-013 | A | Hot Bird 4 |
1998-02-04 23:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1998-006 | A | Brasilsat B3 |
B | Inmarsat-3 F-5 |
1997-12-22 00:16:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L-3 | 1997-083 | A | Intelsat 804 |
1997-12-02 22:52:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1997-075 | A | JCSat-5 |
B | Equator-S |
1997-11-12 21:48:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1997-071 | A | Sirius 2 |
B | Cakrawarta 1 |
1997-10-30 13:43:15 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5 | 1997-066 | A | Maqsat-H |
B | Maqsat-B |
C | YES |
1997-09-23 23:58:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L-3 | 1997-053 | A | NSS 803 |
1997-09-02 22:21:07 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1997-049 | A | Hot Bird 3 |
B | Meteosat 7 |
1997-08-08 06:46:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1997-040 | A | PAS-6 |
1997-06-25 23:44:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1997-031 | A | Intelsat 802 |
1997-06-03 23:20:46 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1997-027 | A | Inmarsat-3 F-4 |
B | Insat 2D |
1997-04-16 23:08:44 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP/H10-3 | 1997-016 | A | Thaicom 3 |
B | B-Sat 1a |
1997-03-01 01:07:42 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P/H10-3 | 1997-009 | A | Intelsat 801 |
1997-01-30 22:04:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1997-002 | A | Americom 2 |
B | Nahuel 1A |
1996-11-13 22:40:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1996-063 | A | Arabsat 2B |
B | Measat 2 |
1996-09-11 00:00:59 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P/H10-3 | 1996-055 | A | EchoStar 2 |
1996-08-08 22:49:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1996-044 | A | Italsat 2 |
B | Telecom 2D |
1996-07-09 22:24:55 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1996-040 | A | Arabsat 2A |
B | Türksat 1C |
1996-06-15 06:55:09 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P/H10-3 | 1996-035 | A | Intelsat 709 |
1996-06-04 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 5 |
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Cluster F-1

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Cluster F-3

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Cluster F-2

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Cluster F-4

1996-05-16 01:56:29 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1996-030 | A | Palapa C2 |
B | Amos 1 |
1996-04-20 22:36:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P/H10-3 | 1996-022 | A | MSat-1 |
1996-03-14 07:11:01 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP/H10-3 | 1996-015 | A | Intelsat 707 |
1996-02-05 07:19:38 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P/H10-3 | 1996-007 | A | N Star-b |
1996-01-12 23:10:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1996-002 | A | PAS-3R |
B | Measat 1 |
1995-12-06 23:23:16 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L/H10-3 | 1995-067 | A | Telecom 2C |
B | Insat 2C |
1995-11-17 01:20:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P/H10-3 | 1995-062 | A | ISO |
1995-10-19 00:38:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L/H10-3 | 1995-055 | A | Astra 1E |
1995-09-24 00:06:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L/H10+ | 1995-049 | A | Telstar 402R |
1995-08-29 06:41:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P/H10-3 | 1995-044 | A | N Star-a |
1995-08-03 23:58:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L/H10+ | 1995-040 | A | PAS-4 |
1995-07-07 16:23:34 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40/H10-3 | 1995-033 | A | Helios 1A |
B | Cerise |
C | UPM/Sat-1 |
1995-06-10 00:24:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P/H10-3 | 1995-029 | A | DirecTV-3 |
1995-05-17 06:34:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP/H10-3 | 1995-023 | A | Intelsat 706 |
1995-04-21 01:44:02 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40/H10+ | 1995-021 | A | ERS-2 |
1995-03-28 23:14:19 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP/H10+ | 1995-016 | A | Brasilsat B2 |
B | Hot Bird 1 |
1994-12-01 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P |
| |

1994-11-01 00:37:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1994-070 | A | Astra 1D |
1994-10-08 01:07:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1994-065 | A | Solidaridad 2 |
B | Thaicom 2 |
1994-09-09 00:29:44 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 1994-058 | A | Telstar 402 | 2004-11-14
1994-08-10 23:05:24 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1994-049 | A | Brasilsat B1 |
B | Türksat 1B |
1994-07-08 23:05:32 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1994-040 | A | PAS-2 |
B | BS-3n |
1994-06-17 07:07:19 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1994-034 | A | Intelsat 702 |
B | STRV-1A |
C | STRV-1B |
1994-01-24 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP |
| |
Eutelsat 2 F-5

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Turksat 1A

1993-12-18 01:27:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1993-078 | A | DirecTV-1 |
B | Thaicom 1 |
1993-11-20 01:17:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1993-073 | A | Solidaridad 1 |
B | Meteosat 6 |
1993-10-22 06:46:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1993-066 | A | Intelsat 701 |
1993-09-26 01:45:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40 | 1993-061 | A | SPOT-3 |
B | Stella |
C | Uribyol 2 |
D | PoSAT-1 |
E | Healthsat |
F | Itamsat |
G | Eyesat 1 |
1993-07-22 22:58:55 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1993-048 | A | Hispasat 1B |
B | Insat 2B |
1993-06-25 00:18:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1993-039 | A | Galaxy 4 |
1993-05-12 00:56:32 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42L | 1993-031 | A | Astra 1C |
B | Arsene |
1992-12-01 22:48:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1992-084 | A | Superbird A1 |
1992-10-28 00:15:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1992-072 | A | Galaxy 7 |
1992-09-10 23:04:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1992-060 | A | Hispasat 1A |
B | Satcom C3 |
1992-08-10 23:08:07 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1992-052 | A | Topex-Poseidon |
B | Uribyol 1 |
C | S80/T |
1992-07-09 22:42:19 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1992-041 | A | Insat 2A |
B | Eutelsat-2 F-4 |
1992-04-15 23:25:27 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1992-021 | A | Telecom 2B |
B | Inmarsat-2 F-4 |
1992-02-26 23:58:09 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1992-010 | A | Superbird B1 |
B | Arabsat 1C |
1991-12-16 23:19:48 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1991-084 | A | Telecom 2A |
B | Inmarsat-2 F-3 |
1991-10-29 23:08:08 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1991-075 | A | Intelsat 601 |
1991-09-26 23:43:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1991-067 | A | Anik E1 |
1991-08-14 23:15:13 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1991-055 | A | Intelsat 605 |
1991-07-17 01:36:31 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1991-050 | A | ERS-1 |
B | Uosat 5 |
C | Orbcomm-X |
D | Tubsat-A |
E | SARA |
1991-04-04 23:33:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44P | 1991-026 | A | Anik E2 |
1991-03-02 23:36:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1991-015 | A | Astra 1B |
B | Meteosat 5 |
1991-01-15 23:10:49 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1991-003 | A | Italsat 1 |
B | Eutelsat-2 F-2 |
1990-11-20 23:11:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 42P | 1990-100 | A | Satcom C1 |
B | Gstar 4 |
1990-10-12 22:58:18 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1990-091 | A | SBS-6 |
B | Galaxy 6 |
1990-08-30 22:46:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1990-079 | A | Skynet 4C |
B | Eutelsat-2 F-1 |
1990-07-24 22:25:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1990-063 | A | TDF-2 |
B | DFS-2 |
1990-02-22 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L |
| |

| |
Superbird B

1990-01-22 01:35:27 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 40 | 1990-005 | A | SPOT-2 |
B | Uosat 3 |
C | Uosat 4 |
D | Microsat 1 |
E | Microsat 2 |
F | Microsat 3 |
G | Microsat 4 |
1989-10-27 23:05:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1989-087 | A | Intelsat 602 |
1989-08-08 23:25:53 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1989-062 | A | TVSat-2 |
B | Hipparcos |
1989-07-12 00:14:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1989-053 | A | Olympus 1 |
1989-06-05 22:37:35 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44L | 1989-041 | A | Superbird A |
B | DFS-1 |
1989-04-02 02:28:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 | 1989-027 | A | Tele-X |
1989-03-06 23:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1989-020 | A | JCSat-1 |
B | Meteosat 4 |
1989-01-27 01:21:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 | 1989-006 | A | Intelsat 515 |
1988-12-11 00:33:38 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1988-109 | A | Skynet 4B |
B | Astra 1A |
1988-10-28 02:17:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 | 1988-098 | A | TDF-1 |
1988-09-08 23:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1988-081 | A | Gstar 3 |
B | SBS-5 |
1988-07-21 23:12:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1988-063 | A | Insat 1C |
B | Eutelsat-1 F-5 |
1988-06-15 11:19:01 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 44LP | 1988-051 | A | Meteosat 3 |
B | Oscar 13 | 1996-12-06
C | PAS-1 |
1988-05-17 23:58:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 | 1988-040 | A | NSS 513 |
1988-03-11 23:28:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1988-018 | A | Spacenet 3R |
B | Telecom 1C |
1987-11-21 02:19:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 | 1987-095 | A | TVSat-1 |
1987-09-16 00:45:28 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1987-078 | A | Aussat 3 |
B | Eutelsat-1 F-4 |
1986-05-31 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 2 |
| |
Intelsat 5A F-14

1986-03-28 23:30:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1986-026 | A | Gstar 2 |
B | Brasilsat 2 |
1986-02-22 01:44:35 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1986-019 | A | SPOT-1 |
B | Viking |
1985-09-12 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 |
| |
Eutelsat 1 F-3

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Spacenet F-3

1985-07-02 11:23:13 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1985-056 | A | Giotto |
1985-05-08 01:15:38 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1985-035 | A | Gstar 1 |
B | Telecom 1B |
1985-02-08 23:22:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1985-015 | A | Arabsat 1A |
B | Brasilsat 1 |
1984-11-10 01:14:18 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1984-114 | A | Spacenet 2 |
B | Marecs B2 |
1984-08-04 13:32:54 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 3 | 1984-081 | A | Eutelsat-1 F-2 |
B | Telecom 1A |
1984-05-23 01:33:29 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1984-049 | A | Zhongxing 5 |
1984-03-05 00:50:03 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1984-023 | A | Intelsat 508 |
1983-10-19 00:45:36 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1983-105 | A | Intelsat 507 |
1983-06-16 11:59:03 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1983-058 | A | Eutelsat-1 F-1 |
B | Oscar 10 |
1982-09-09 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 |
| |
Marecs B

| |
Sirio 2

1981-12-20 01:29:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1981-122 | A | Marecs A |
B | CAT-4 |
1981-06-19 12:32:59 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1981-057 | A | Meteosat 2 |
B | Apple |
C | CAT-3 |
1980-05-23 00:00:00 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 |
| |
Feuerrad subsatellite 4

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Feuerrad subsatellite 2

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| |

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Feuerrad subsatellite 3

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Feuerrad subsatellite 1

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Amsat Phase 3A

1979-12-24 17:14:38 | FRA | Centre Spatial Guyanais | Ariane 1 | 1979-104 | A | CAT-1 | 1989-11-27

Launcher Ariane - statistics

All launches First 1979-12-24 17:14:38
Last 2018-01-25 22:20:00
All 241
Succesfull launches First 1979-12-24 17:14:38
Last 2018-01-25 22:20:00
All 232
Crashes First 1980-05-23 00:00:00
Last 2002-12-11 00:00:00
All 9
Success rate 96.2656%
Launches from last crash 85
Launch rate 58 days

Version of Ariane

Ariane 1 Ariane 2 Ariane 3 Ariane 4 Ariane 5


Date Type Where COSPAR Object name Launch Days Years
2015-01-01 1998-067FA FLOCK 1B 1 1998-11-20 5886 16.115
2015-01-01 1961-015LU THOR ABLESTAR DEB 1961-06-29 19544 53.509
2015-01-02 1997-051GQ IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6319 17.300
2015-01-04 1993-036ADA COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7872 21.552
2015-01-05 1999-057QC CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5562 15.228
2015-01-06 1999-025AWX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5720 15.661
2015-01-06 1997-051YX IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6323 17.311
2015-01-06 2001-049HV PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4824 13.207
2015-01-07 1998-067EY FLOCK 1B 15 1998-11-20 5892 16.131
2015-01-07 1979-095BA METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12852 35.187
2015-01-07 1992-093DF SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8048 22.034
2015-01-09 2012-006E MASAT-1 2012-02-13 1061 2.905
2015-01-09 1979-095AM METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12854 35.192
2015-01-09 2014-087B SL-4 R/B 2014-12-26 14 0.038
2015-01-10 1993-036ACU COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7878 21.569
2015-01-10 1993-036ANV COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7878 21.569
2015-01-11 1997-051KU IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6328 17.325
2015-01-12 1993-036AQL COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7880 21.574
2015-01-12 2015-001C DRAGON CRS-5 DEB 2015-01-10 2 0.005
2015-01-13 1993-036BSZ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7881 21.577
2015-01-13 2015-001B FALCON 9 R/B 2015-01-10 3 0.008
2015-01-13 2009-021K YAOGAN 6 DEB 2009-04-22 2092 5.728
2015-01-14 1993-036NW COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7882 21.580
2015-01-14 1999-025ERA FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5728 15.682
2015-01-15 1998-067ET CHASQUI-1 1998-11-20 5900 16.153
2015-01-15 1963-014AZ WESTFORD NEEDLES 1963-05-09 18879 51.688
2015-01-16 2012-006C E-STAR 2012-02-13 1068 2.924
2015-01-16 1999-025EHV FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5730 15.688
2015-01-16 1998-067FE FLOCK 1B 18 1998-11-20 5901 16.156
2015-01-16 1997-051ML IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6333 17.339
2015-01-18 1993-036AYF COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7886 21.591
2015-01-18 2015-001D DRAGON CRS-5 DEB 2015-01-10 8 0.022
2015-01-18 1999-025EAV FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5732 15.693
2015-01-19 1999-025DAD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5733 15.696
2015-01-20 1998-067FD FLOCK 1B 7 1998-11-20 5905 16.167
2015-01-20 1993-059M SL-16 DEB 1993-09-16 7796 21.344
2015-01-21 1999-025DES FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5735 15.702
2015-01-22 1999-057GK CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5579 15.274
2015-01-22 1999-025CWN FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5736 15.704
2015-01-22 2002-049A JB-3 B 2002-10-27 4470 12.238
2015-01-23 1986-019Z ARIANE 1 DEB 1986-02-22 10562 28.917
2015-01-26 2014-041D FOTON M4 DEB 2014-07-18 192 0.526
2015-01-27 1999-025DHE FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5741 15.718
2015-01-27 2001-047A QUICKBIRD 2 2001-10-18 4849 13.276
2015-01-28 1993-036AHS COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7896 21.618
2015-01-28 2012-006H ROBUSTA 2012-02-13 1080 2.957
2015-01-29 1993-036TF COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7897 21.621
2015-01-29 1997-082K IRIDIUM 47 DEB 1997-12-20 6249 17.109
2015-01-30 1971-120Q METEOR 1-10 DEB 1971-12-29 15738 43.088
2015-01-31 1995-015D DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7253 19.858
2015-02-01 1998-067EX FLOCK 1B 25 1998-11-20 5917 16.200
2015-02-02 1993-036AJQ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7901 21.632
2015-02-02 1999-025AD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5747 15.734
2015-02-02 1999-025CD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5747 15.734
2015-02-02 1997-051GW IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6350 17.385
2015-02-03 1993-036AVU COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7902 21.634
2015-02-03 1999-025DSR FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5748 15.737
2015-02-03 1999-025EQZ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5748 15.737
2015-02-04 1993-036QG COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7903 21.637
2015-02-04 1993-036ALT COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7903 21.637
2015-02-04 1991-082BE DMSP 5D-2 F11 DEB 1991-11-28 8469 23.187
2015-02-04 2013-002C H-2A R/B 2013-01-27 738 2.021
2015-02-04 1959-007B VANGUARD 3 DEB 1959-09-18 20248 55.381
2015-02-05 2003-048F DMSP 5D-3 F16 DEB 2003-10-18 4128 11.302
2015-02-05 2015-004C H-2A DEB 2015-02-01 4 0.011
2015-02-05 1997-051VF IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6353 17.394
2015-02-05 1993-014K SL-18 DEB 1993-03-25 7987 21.867
2015-02-07 1999-025EKW FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5752 15.748
2015-02-07 1998-067FH ISS DEB 1998-11-20 5923 16.216
2015-02-07 1998-067FK ISS DEB 1998-11-20 5923 16.216
2015-02-07 2001-049NR PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4856 13.295
2015-02-08 2013-050B ATLAS 5 CENTAUR R/B 2013-09-18 508 1.391
2015-02-09 2008-064D CZ-4B DEB 2008-12-15 2247 6.152
2015-02-09 1999-025BJT FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5754 15.754
2015-02-09 1999-025BYX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5754 15.754
2015-02-10 1993-036FK COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7909 21.654
2015-02-10 1999-025CWX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5755 15.756
2015-02-10 2001-049DB PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4859 13.303
2015-02-11 1993-036BET COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7910 21.656
2015-02-11 2015-001A DRAGON CRS-5 2015-01-10 32 0.088
2015-02-11 1999-025AYJ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5756 15.759
2015-02-12 2013-064E KYSAT II 2013-11-20 449 1.229
2015-02-12 1994-074Z RESURS O1 DEB 1994-11-04 7405 20.274
2015-02-12 1993-016AH SL-16 DEB 1993-03-26 7993 21.884
2015-02-13 1981-053DH COSMOS 1275 DEB 1981-06-04 12307 33.695
2015-02-15 2014-044A ATV 5 2014-07-29 201 0.550
2015-02-15 1993-036BJR COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7914 21.667
2015-02-15 1999-025QU FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5760 15.770
2015-02-15 2013-055R POPACS DEB (SPACER) 2013-09-29 504 1.380
2015-02-16 1993-036UY COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7915 21.670
2015-02-16 2005-031K INDEX DEB 2005-08-23 3464 9.484
2015-02-16 1993-014P SL-18 DEB 1993-03-25 7998 21.897
2015-02-16 2012-006J UNICUBESAT 2012-02-13 1099 3.009
2015-02-17 1999-057AT CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5605 15.346
2015-02-17 2010-051G CZ-4B DEB 2010-10-06 1595 4.367
2015-02-17 2003-048J DMSP 5D-3 F16 DEB 2003-10-18 4140 11.335
2015-02-19 2015-008B SL-4 R/B 2015-02-17 2 0.005
2015-02-21 1999-025VM FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5766 15.786
2015-02-22 1993-036BNC COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7921 21.687
2015-02-23 2006-029B SL-24 R/B 2006-07-12 3148 8.619
2015-02-24 1993-036ATZ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7923 21.692
2015-02-24 2014-088B CZ-4B R/B 2014-12-27 59 0.162
2015-02-26 2015-006A FAJR 2015-02-02 24 0.066
2015-02-26 1997-051QK IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6374 17.451
2015-02-26 1992-093HZ SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8098 22.171
2015-02-27 1993-036AB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7926 21.700
2015-02-28 1993-036YM COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7927 21.703
2015-02-28 1994-029AGG PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7590 20.780
2015-03-01 1993-036YL COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7928 21.706
2015-03-03 1971-120S METEOR 1-10 DEB 1971-12-29 15770 43.176
2015-03-04 1993-036VW COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7931 21.714
2015-03-04 1999-025EPG FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5777 15.817
2015-03-04 1998-067FF FLOCK 1B 17 1998-11-20 5948 16.285
2015-03-04 1998-067EV FLOCK 1B 23 1998-11-20 5948 16.285
2015-03-05 1998-067FC FLOCK 1B 8 1998-11-20 5949 16.287
2015-03-07 1999-057RA CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5623 15.395
2015-03-07 2015-006B SAFIR 1B R/B 2015-02-02 33 0.090
2015-03-08 1999-057DK CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5624 15.398
2015-03-08 1999-057HR CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5624 15.398
2015-03-08 1997-051UR IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6384 17.478
2015-03-09 1993-036ZX COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7936 21.728
2015-03-10 1993-036WP COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7937 21.730
2015-03-10 2008-064H CZ-4B DEB 2008-12-15 2276 6.231
2015-03-11 1999-025DGZ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5784 15.836
2015-03-11 1998-067FG ISS DEB 1998-11-20 5955 16.304
2015-03-12 1999-057RM CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5628 15.409
2015-03-12 1993-036AYD COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7939 21.736
2015-03-12 1999-025ACX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5785 15.838
2015-03-12 2014-057A SOYUZ-TMA 14M 2014-09-25 168 0.460
2015-03-13 1994-057C DMSP 5D-2 F12 DEB 1994-08-29 7501 20.537
2015-03-13 2006-015K YAOGAN 1 DEB 2006-04-26 3243 8.879
2015-03-14 1998-067FB FLOCK 1B 2 1998-11-20 5958 16.312
2015-03-14 1997-051ZP IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6390 17.495
2015-03-15 1998-067EU FLOCK 1B 24 1998-11-20 5959 16.315
2015-03-16 1993-036ASA COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7943 21.747
2015-03-17 1993-036JC COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7944 21.749
2015-03-19 1993-036RQ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7946 21.755
2015-03-19 1997-051JW IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6395 17.509
2015-03-20 2013-064AB CHARGERSAT 2013-11-20 485 1.328
2015-03-20 1999-025BHY FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5793 15.860
2015-03-20 1993-014BC SL-18 DEB 1993-03-25 8030 21.985
2015-03-21 2013-064J SENSE SV1 2013-11-20 486 1.331
2015-03-21 1978-100AV SL-14 DEB 1978-10-26 13295 36.400
2015-03-22 1993-036BKD COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7949 21.763
2015-03-22 1999-057ST CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5638 15.436
2015-03-22 2002-005H IRIDIUM 91 DEB 2002-02-11 4787 13.106
2015-03-23 1999-025EAX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5796 15.869
2015-03-23 2013-064H ORS TECH 1 2013-11-20 488 1.336
2015-03-24 1993-036FC COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7951 21.769
2015-03-26 1993-036BFM COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7953 21.774
2015-03-27 1993-036AUK COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7954 21.777
2015-03-28 1992-060E ARIANE 44LP DEB 1992-09-10 8234 22.543
2015-03-28 2013-055AA POPACS DEB (SPACER) 2013-09-29 545 1.492
2015-03-29 1997-082S IRIDIUM 47 DEB 1997-12-20 6308 17.270
2015-03-29 2015-016B SL-4 R/B 2015-03-27 2 0.005
2015-03-30 2008-064C CZ-4B DEB 2008-12-15 2296 6.286
2015-03-30 1986-078D SL-6 R/B(2) 1986-10-15 10393 28.454
2015-03-31 1999-025EEJ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5804 15.890
2015-04-01 1999-057PU CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5648 15.463
2015-04-01 1993-036XW COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7959 21.791
2015-04-01 2001-049NH PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4909 13.440
2015-04-03 1993-036BGU COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7961 21.796
2015-04-03 1993-036AJE COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7961 21.796
2015-04-03 1997-051QT IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6410 17.550
2015-04-03 2013-064S ORS TECH 2 2013-11-20 499 1.366
2015-04-03 1998-067FY TECHEDSAT 4 1998-11-20 5978 16.367
2015-04-04 1987-036K SL-12 DEB * 1987-04-24 10207 27.945
2015-04-05 1995-015AG DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7317 20.033
2015-04-05 2015-015C H-2A DEB 2015-03-26 10 0.027
2015-04-05 1971-120T METEOR 1-10 DEB 1971-12-29 15803 43.266
2015-04-07 1991-082D DMSP 5D-2 F11 DEB 1991-11-28 8531 23.357
2015-04-07 1997-051RL IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6414 17.561
2015-04-09 2012-044DF BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 976 2.672
2015-04-09 1999-057QX CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5656 15.485
2015-04-10 1993-036BDS COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7968 21.815
2015-04-10 1994-057B DMSP 5D-2 F12 DEB 1994-08-29 7529 20.613
2015-04-10 1995-015CB DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7322 20.047
2015-04-11 1999-025CNP FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5815 15.921
2015-04-12 1999-025UW FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5816 15.923
2015-04-12 1999-025DMF FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5816 15.923
2015-04-12 1979-095BL METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12947 35.447
2015-04-14 1999-025DLE FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5818 15.929
2015-04-16 1993-036BLW COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7974 21.832
2015-04-16 2015-013E DELTA 4 DEB 2015-03-25 22 0.060
2015-04-17 2006-006AJ BREEZE-M DEB 2006-02-28 3335 9.131
2015-04-17 2015-021C DRAGON CRS-6 DEB 2015-04-14 3 0.008
2015-04-17 2015-021D DRAGON CRS-6 DEB 2015-04-14 3 0.008
2015-04-17 1997-051QR IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6424 17.588
2015-04-17 2014-088E YAOGAN 26 DEB 2014-12-27 111 0.304
2015-04-18 1993-036AAY COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7976 21.837
2015-04-18 1993-036BKU COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7976 21.837
2015-04-18 2015-013D DELTA 4 DEB 2015-03-25 24 0.066
2015-04-18 1980-093B SL-3 R/B 1980-11-21 12566 34.404
2015-04-19 1999-025ATJ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5823 15.943
2015-04-19 1999-025CWJ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5823 15.943
2015-04-19 1997-051Z IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6426 17.593
2015-04-19 1994-029ER PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7640 20.917
2015-04-20 1997-051FG IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6427 17.596
2015-04-20 2001-049KP PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4928 13.492
2015-04-21 1993-036SD COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7979 21.845
2015-04-22 2015-021B FALCON 9 R/B 2015-04-14 8 0.022
2015-04-23 1978-026GU DELTA 1 DEB 1978-03-05 13563 37.133
2015-04-23 2015-013C DELTA 4 DEB 2015-03-25 29 0.079
2015-04-23 1997-051SM IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6430 17.604
2015-04-24 1981-043T METEOR 2-7 DEB 1981-05-14 12398 33.944
2015-04-25 1994-029LS PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7646 20.934
2015-04-26 2014-067A PROGRESS-M 25M 2014-10-29 179 0.490
2015-04-28 2015-024F SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 0 0.000
2015-04-28 2015-024K SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 0 0.000
2015-04-29 1993-036BDE COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7987 21.867
2015-04-29 1999-025DSE FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5833 15.970
2015-04-29 2015-024C SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024D SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024E SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024G SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024J SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024L SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024M SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024N SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024P SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024R SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024V SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024W SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024H SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-29 2015-024B SL-4 R/B 2015-04-28 1 0.003
2015-04-30 1997-051TW IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6437 17.624
2015-04-30 2015-024T SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 2 0.005
2015-05-01 1993-036ADY COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7989 21.873
2015-05-01 1993-036AQF COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7989 21.873
2015-05-02 1999-025PG FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5836 15.978
2015-05-02 1999-025EUV FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5836 15.978
2015-05-02 2015-024Q SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 4 0.011
2015-05-02 2015-024X SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 4 0.011
2015-05-03 1999-025CGR FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5837 15.981
2015-05-03 1979-095AV METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12968 35.504
2015-05-03 1979-095AD METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12968 35.504
2015-05-03 2015-024S SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 5 0.014
2015-05-04 1997-051TZ IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6441 17.634
2015-05-05 1999-025ARW FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5839 15.986
2015-05-07 2015-024U SL-4 DEB 2015-04-28 9 0.025
2015-05-08 2015-024A PROGRESS-M 27M 2015-04-28 10 0.027
2015-05-10 1999-025ARA FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5844 16.000
2015-05-11 1998-067FM AESP 14 1998-11-20 6016 16.471
2015-05-11 1993-036FH COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 7999 21.900
2015-05-11 1999-025BCM FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5845 16.003
2015-05-11 1999-025CMQ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5845 16.003
2015-05-12 2001-052B ARIANE 44LP R/B 2001-11-27 4914 13.454
2015-05-12 1999-025AEL FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5846 16.005
2015-05-15 1997-051NN IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6452 17.665
2015-05-16 1998-067GB LAMBDASAT 1998-11-20 6021 16.485
2015-05-17 1992-084B ARIANE 42P+ R/B 1992-12-01 8202 22.456
2015-05-17 1999-057QS CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5694 15.589
2015-05-19 1979-095L METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12984 35.548
2015-05-19 1970-025AG THORAD AGENA D DEB 1970-04-08 16477 45.112
2015-05-20 1999-025EG FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5854 16.027
2015-05-21 2015-021A DRAGON CRS-6 2015-04-14 37 0.101
2015-05-22 1997-051GG IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6459 17.684
2015-05-22 1997-082N IRIDIUM 47 DEB 1997-12-20 6362 17.418
2015-05-23 1999-025CWY FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5857 16.036
2015-05-26 1979-095AW METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 12991 35.567
2015-05-27 2012-001D CZ-4B DEB 2012-01-09 1234 3.379
2015-05-27 1997-051YN IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6464 17.697
2015-05-27 2009-019C PSLV R/B 2009-04-20 2228 6.100
2015-05-29 2014-088F YAOGAN 26 DEB 2014-12-27 153 0.419
2015-05-31 1999-025BBZ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5865 16.057
2015-06-02 1993-036DP COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8021 21.960
2015-06-02 2007-028B SL-24 R/B 2007-06-28 2896 7.929
2015-06-06 1970-025AW THORAD AGENA D DEB 1970-04-08 16495 45.161
2015-06-09 2015-027B SL-4 R/B 2015-06-05 4 0.011
2015-06-10 1995-015F DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7383 20.214
2015-06-10 1999-025EJS FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5875 16.085
2015-06-11 2014-074A SOYUZ-TMA 15M 2014-11-23 200 0.548
2015-06-13 1999-025CXB FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5878 16.093
2015-06-14 2012-044BB BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1042 2.853
2015-06-14 1993-036ASB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8033 21.993
2015-06-14 1993-036BEB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8033 21.993
2015-06-14 2014-051C CZ-2D R/B 2014-09-04 283 0.775
2015-06-14 1978-026Z DELTA 1 DEB 1978-03-05 13615 37.276
2015-06-15 1997-051TX IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6483 17.749
2015-06-16 1997-074A TRMM 1997-11-27 6410 17.550
2015-06-17 2001-049F PSLV DEB 2001-10-22 4986 13.651
2015-06-18 2014-064C BREEZE-M DEB (TANK) 2014-10-21 240 0.657
2015-06-18 1999-057SR CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5726 15.677
2015-06-18 1999-025VC FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5883 16.107
2015-06-19 1995-015ET DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7392 20.238
2015-06-21 1993-036BPV COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8040 22.012
2015-06-21 1999-025EJD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5886 16.115
2015-06-22 1999-025CWK FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5887 16.118
2015-06-23 1999-025FM FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5888 16.120
2015-06-24 1993-036ANT COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8043 22.021
2015-06-24 2013-055AB POPACS DEB (SPACER) 2013-09-29 633 1.733
2015-06-25 1999-025ECY FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5890 16.126
2015-06-26 1993-036BGR COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8045 22.026
2015-06-28 1998-067FT FLOCK 1B 9 1998-11-20 6064 16.602
2015-06-29 1999-025BBD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5894 16.137
2015-06-29 1997-051FR IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6497 17.788
2015-06-29 1973-084D SL-6 R/B(2) 1973-11-02 15214 41.654
2015-06-29 1992-040D SL-6 R/B(2) 1992-07-08 8391 22.973
2015-06-30 2013-055Y POPACS DEB (SPACER) 2013-09-29 639 1.749
2015-07-01 1987-062C COSMOS 1869 DEB 1987-07-16 10212 27.959
2015-07-01 1999-025DSX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5896 16.142
2015-07-03 2012-044AK BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1061 2.905
2015-07-03 1992-093DC SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8225 22.519
2015-07-04 2012-044AF BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1062 2.908
2015-07-05 2012-044AX BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1063 2.910
2015-07-05 1999-025CNB FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5900 16.153
2015-07-05 1993-014AQ SL-18 DEB 1993-03-25 8137 22.278
2015-07-05 2015-031B SL-4 R/B 2015-07-03 2 0.005
2015-07-06 1995-015DQ DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7409 20.285
2015-07-07 1993-036BTB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8056 22.056
2015-07-08 1995-015AY DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7411 20.290
2015-07-09 1993-036BJD COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8058 22.062
2015-07-12 1993-036AUC COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8061 22.070
2015-07-12 2013-066AK SL-24 DEB 2013-11-21 598 1.637
2015-07-12 1981-033B SL-8 R/B 1981-04-09 12512 34.256
2015-07-13 1993-036BJS COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8062 22.073
2015-07-16 2013-064U BLACK KNIGHT 2013-11-20 603 1.651
2015-07-19 1993-036AGJ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8068 22.089
2015-07-20 1999-025DQL FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5915 16.194
2015-07-22 1997-051ABC IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6520 17.851
2015-07-24 1993-036BMQ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8073 22.103
2015-07-24 1999-025BLP FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5919 16.205
2015-07-24 1994-074AH RESURS O1 DEB 1994-11-04 7567 20.717
2015-07-25 2015-035B SL-4 R/B 2015-07-22 3 0.008
2015-07-25 1983-111B SL-8 R/B 1983-11-11 11579 31.702
2015-07-30 1999-057QQ CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5768 15.792
2015-08-01 1998-067GA MICROMAS 1998-11-20 6098 16.695
2015-08-01 2014-086B SL-4 R/B 2014-12-25 219 0.600
2015-08-02 1997-051EY IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6531 17.881
2015-08-03 2012-044AB BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1092 2.990
2015-08-05 1999-057EC CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5774 15.808
2015-08-05 1994-029FM PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7748 21.213
2015-08-07 1998-067FP FLOCK 1B 28 1998-11-20 6104 16.712
2015-08-08 2011-075B H-2A R/B 2011-12-12 1335 3.655
2015-08-08 1979-095BD METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 13065 35.770
2015-08-08 1989-080J SL-14 DEB 1989-09-28 9445 25.859
2015-08-11 1978-080A MOLNIYA 1-42 1978-08-22 13503 36.969
2015-08-12 1966-013G DIAMANT DEB 1966-02-17 18073 49.481
2015-08-13 1997-051DK IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6542 17.911
2015-08-14 2015-008A PROGRESS-M 26M 2015-02-17 178 0.487
2015-08-15 1997-051UD IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6544 17.916
2015-08-20 1990-081X CZ-4 DEB 1990-09-03 9117 24.961
2015-08-20 1999-025DBQ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5946 16.279
2015-08-21 1993-036ZB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8101 22.179
2015-08-23 1998-067FS FLOCK 1B 10 1998-11-20 6120 16.756
2015-08-30 1993-036ACH COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8110 22.204
2015-08-31 1981-103A COSMOS 1315 1981-10-13 12375 33.881
2015-08-31 1999-025CDC FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5957 16.309
2015-09-01 2013-053A KUAIZHOU 1 (KZ-1) 2013-09-25 706 1.933
2015-09-02 1997-051CG IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6562 17.966
2015-09-04 1993-036AAX COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8115 22.218
2015-09-05 2015-043B SL-4 R/B 2015-09-02 3 0.008
2015-09-07 1998-067GC FLOCK 1B 11 1998-11-20 6135 16.797
2015-09-08 2015-030B CZ-4B R/B 2015-06-26 74 0.203
2015-09-09 1997-051RU IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6569 17.985
2015-09-12 2015-016A SOYUZ-TMA 16M 2015-03-27 169 0.463
2015-09-16 1997-051VJ IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6576 18.004
2015-09-17 2013-064F TJ3SAT 2013-11-20 666 1.823
2015-09-18 2015-027A COSMOS 2505 2015-06-05 105 0.287
2015-09-18 1992-047AB SL-12 DEB 1992-07-30 8450 23.135
2015-09-19 2011-049D ARIANE 5 DEB (SYLDA) 2011-09-21 1459 3.995
2015-09-19 1999-025EMK FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5976 16.361
2015-09-19 1979-095BB METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 13107 35.885
2015-09-20 1994-074AG RESURS O1 DEB 1994-11-04 7625 20.876
2015-09-22 1999-025EPH FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5979 16.370
2015-09-24 1993-036AF COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8135 22.272
2015-09-24 1999-025ZD FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5981 16.375
2015-09-24 1994-074AJ RESURS O1 DEB 1994-11-04 7629 20.887
2015-09-27 1999-057GU CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5827 15.953
2015-09-27 1999-025ECX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 5984 16.383
2015-09-28 1993-036AXN COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8139 22.283
2015-09-28 2009-014B DELTA 2 R/B(2) (PAM-D) 2009-03-24 2379 6.513
2015-09-29 1999-057PH CBERS 1 DEB 1999-10-14 5829 15.959
2015-09-29 1998-067GD FLOCK 1B 12 1998-11-20 6157 16.857
2015-09-29 2015-038A HTV-5 2015-08-19 41 0.112
2015-09-30 1993-036ASQ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8141 22.289
2015-10-02 2015-051E CZ-11 R/B 2015-09-25 7 0.019
2015-10-03 1979-058F COSMOS 1109 DEB 1979-06-27 13247 36.268
2015-10-03 1995-015AJ DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7498 20.528
2015-10-03 1998-067FR FLOCK 1B 22 1998-11-20 6161 16.868
2015-10-03 2015-055B SL-4 R/B 2015-10-01 2 0.005
2015-10-05 1979-095AF METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 13123 35.929
2015-10-06 2014-065B CZ-3C R/B 2014-10-23 348 0.953
2015-10-06 1995-015AS DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7501 20.537
2015-10-07 1995-015B DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7502 20.539
2015-10-09 2013-042C SL-24 DEB 2013-08-22 778 2.130
2015-10-12 1998-067FQ FLOCK 1B 21 1998-11-20 6170 16.893
2015-10-13 1998-067FU FLOCK 1D 1 1998-11-20 6171 16.895
2015-10-14 1998-067FN FLOCK 1B 27 1998-11-20 6172 16.898
2015-10-16 1998-067FX FLOCK 1B 6 1998-11-20 6174 16.903
2015-10-16 2011-066G YAOGAN 12 DEB 2011-11-09 1437 3.934
2015-10-18 2012-044AC BREEZE-M DEB 2012-08-06 1168 3.198
2015-10-18 1972-058BY DELTA 1 DEB 1972-07-23 15792 43.236
2015-10-20 1994-029AFR PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7824 21.421
2015-10-21 1997-051NU IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6611 18.100
2015-10-21 1992-093GH SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8335 22.820
2015-10-22 1993-036BKA COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8163 22.349
2015-10-23 1991-082AM DMSP 5D-2 F11 DEB 1991-11-28 8730 23.901
2015-10-28 2013-064K NPS-SCAT 2013-11-20 707 1.936
2015-10-30 1997-051BC IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6620 18.125
2015-10-30 1992-047K SL-12 DEB 1992-07-30 8492 23.250
2015-10-30 1992-093GA SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8344 22.845
2015-10-31 1993-036AUX COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8172 22.374
2015-11-01 2002-005G IRIDIUM 91 DEB 2002-02-11 5011 13.719
2015-11-02 2010-056D ARIANE 5 DEB (SYLDA) 2010-10-28 1831 5.013
2015-11-02 1995-015AX DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7528 20.611
2015-11-03 1999-025AYX FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 6021 16.485
2015-11-04 2007-014A NFIRE 2007-04-24 3116 8.531
2015-11-05 1989-062G ARIANE 44LP DEB 1989-08-08 9585 26.242
2015-11-07 1993-036YV COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8179 22.393
2015-11-07 1979-095AC METEOR 2-5 DEB 1979-10-31 13156 36.019
2015-11-08 1993-036ADS COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8180 22.396
2015-11-08 1998-067FZ GEARRS-1 1998-11-20 6197 16.966
2015-11-09 1997-051FC IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6630 18.152
2015-11-09 1997-051VH IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6630 18.152
2015-11-13 1997-074B ETS 7 1997-11-27 6560 17.960
2015-11-13 1994-029FN PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7848 21.487
2015-11-17 1970-091AJ COSMOS 375 DEB 1970-10-30 16454 45.049
2015-11-21 2013-064AD VERMONT LUNAR 2013-11-20 731 2.001
2015-11-22 1993-036AQY COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8194 22.434
2015-11-26 1993-036PP COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8198 22.445
2015-11-28 2008-017A C/NOFS 2008-04-16 2782 7.617
2015-11-29 2013-064P PROMETHEUS 1-5 2013-11-20 739 2.023
2015-12-01 1993-036BCF COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8203 22.459
2015-12-01 1995-015AE DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7557 20.690
2015-12-01 2013-064X PROMETHEUS 1-8 2013-11-20 741 2.029
2015-12-02 1993-036AZD COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8204 22.461
2015-12-02 1994-029AGH PEGASUS DEB 1994-05-19 7867 21.539
2015-12-03 1995-015AK DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7559 20.695
2015-12-04 2010-042B CZ-3B R/B 2010-09-04 1917 5.248
2015-12-04 1999-025EFA FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 6052 16.569
2015-12-05 1999-025DXM FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 6053 16.572
2015-12-05 2013-064V PROMETHEUS 1-7 2013-11-20 745 2.040
2015-12-05 2010-040C TIANHUI 1 DEB 2010-08-24 1929 5.281
2015-12-08 2015-071A COSMOS 2511 2015-12-05 3 0.008
2015-12-08 2013-064AE PROMETHEUS 1-3 2013-11-20 748 2.048
2015-12-08 2015-071D VOLGA R/B 2015-12-05 3 0.008
2015-12-10 2013-064M PROMETHEUS 1-2 2013-11-20 750 2.053
2015-12-10 2013-064Q PROMETHEUS 1-6 2013-11-20 750 2.053
2015-12-11 1993-036AFQ COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8213 22.486
2015-12-11 1995-015EW DMSP 5D-2 F13 DEB 1995-03-24 7567 20.717
2015-12-11 1999-025AZ FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 6059 16.589
2015-12-11 2015-035A SOYUZ-TMA 17M 2015-07-22 142 0.389
2015-12-12 1999-025WK FENGYUN 1C DEB 1999-05-10 6060 16.591
2015-12-12 2013-064AC PROMETHEUS 1-1 2013-11-20 752 2.059
2015-12-13 2013-064L PROMETHEUS 1-4 2013-11-20 753 2.062
2015-12-13 2013-064Y SWAMPSAT 2013-11-20 753 2.062
2015-12-15 1993-036ABB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8217 22.497
2015-12-15 1993-036BVB COSMOS 2251 DEB 1993-06-16 8217 22.497
2015-12-15 2003-055A GRUZOMAKET 2003-12-05 4393 12.027
2015-12-16 1992-093LP SL-16 DEB 1992-12-25 8391 22.973
2015-12-16 1993-014AS SL-18 DEB 1993-03-25 8301 22.727
2015-12-17 2015-076B SL-4 R/B 2015-12-15 2 0.005
2015-12-19 2015-031A PROGRESS-M 28M 2015-07-03 169 0.463
2015-12-23 1998-067GU ARKYD-3R 1998-11-20 6242 17.090
2015-12-23 1999-057FP CZ-4 DEB 1999-10-14 5914 16.192
2015-12-23 2015-080B SL-4 R/B 2015-12-21 2 0.005
2015-12-24 2015-074H SL-23 DEB 2015-12-11 13 0.036
2015-12-25 2013-064AF MINOTAUR R/B 2013-11-20 765 2.094
2015-12-25 2015-074E SL-23 DEB 2015-12-11 14 0.038
2015-12-26 2015-064B CZ-4B R/B 2015-11-08 48 0.131
2015-12-26 1997-051HG IRIDIUM 33 DEB 1997-09-14 6677 18.281
2015-12-27 1977-065BX DELTA 1 DEB 1977-07-14 14045 38.453
2015-12-27 1998-067FV FLOCK 1D 2 1998-11-20 6246 17.101
2015-12-29 2015-074F SL-23 DEB 2015-12-11 18 0.049


Date of launch Code Spaceport Site Launcher Serial number Object name
2015-11-04 03:45:00 USA Pacific Missile Range Facility

EDSN 1-8
2015-05-16 | 05:48:00 | RUS | Bajkonur | 200/PU-39 | Proton-M/Briz-M | | MexSat-1
2015-06-28 | 16:21:11 | USA | Eastern Test Range | SLC-40 | Falcon-9 v1.1 | | CRS-7


Shortcut Spaceport Code Latitude Longitude
AL Alcantara BRA 2.17 N
BA Baikonur KAZ 46.00 N
BI Barreira do Inferno BRA 5.55 S
BS Pacific Missile Range Facility USA 22.02 N
ED Edwards AFB USA 34.56 N
ET Eastern Test Range USA 28.27 N
GA Gando AFB ESP 27.30 N
HA Hammaguir DZA 30.54 N
JA Yasny RUS 51.01 N
JQ Jiuquan CHN 40.57 N
KI Kodiak Launch Complex USA 57.36 N
KJ Kapustin Jar RUS 48.31 N
KR Centre Spatial Guayanais FRA 5.14 N
KS Uchinoura JPN 31.15 N
KW Kwajalein Missile Range USA 9.08 N
MH Mahia NZL 39.26 N
MU Musudan-ri PRK 40.52 N
NA Naro KOR 34.26 N
PA Palmachim ISR 31.54 N
PM Point Mugu USA N
PS Pleseck RUS 62.54 N
SG Spaceport Guyana GUY 8.00 N
SH Shriharikota IND 13.48 N
SL Sea Launch USA 0.00 N
SM San Marco ITA 2.56 S
SN Semnan IRN 35.34 N
SO Sohae PRK 39.66 N
SV Svobodnyi RUS 51.12 N
TS Tanegashima JPN 30.24 N
TY Taiyuan CHN 37.30 N
VS Vostochny RUS 51.82 N
WI Wallops Island USA 37.50 N
WN Wenchang CHN 19.62 N
WO Woomera AUS 31.06 S
WS White Sands Missile Range USA 33.00 N
WT Western Test Range USA 34.37 N
XC Xichang CHN 28.15 N
XM launched from a ship 0.00 N
XX Unknown/unspecified spaceport 0.00 N


Surname Name Second Name Nick Date of birth Place of birth Code
Acaba Joseph Michael 1967-05-17 Inglewood, CA, USA USA
Acton Loren Wilber 1936-03-07 Lewistown, Montana USA
Adamson James Craig 1946-03-03 Warsaw, New York USA
Afanasjev Viktor Michajlovič 1948-12-31 Brjansk, Rusko RUS
Aimbetov Aidyn Akanovich 1973-07-27 KAZ
Akers Thomas Dale 1951-05-20 Eminence, Montana USA
Akijama Tojohiro 1942-06-22 Tokio, Japonsko JPN
Aksjonov Vladimír Viktorovič 1935-02-01 Giblicy, Rusko RUS
Al-Saud Sultan Salman Abdul-Aziz 1956-06-27 Rijád SAU
Aldrin Edwin Eugene, Buzz 1930-01-20 Montclair, New Jersey USA
Alexandrov Alexandr Pavlovič 1943-02-20 Moskva RUS
Alexandrov Alexandr Panajatov 1951-12-01 Omurtag, Bulharsko BGR
Allen Joseph Percival, Joe 1937-06-27 Crawfordsville, Indiana USA
Allen Andrew Michael 1955-08-04 Philadelphia, PA USA
Altman Scott Douglas 1959-08-15 Lincoln, Illinois USA
Anders William Alison 1933-10-17 Hong Kong, Čína USA
Anderson Michael Philip 1959-12-25 Plattsburgh, Washington USA
Anderson Clayton Conrad 1959-02-23 Omaha, Nebraska, USA USA
Ansari[ová] Anousheh 1966-09-12 Meszhed, Irán USA
Antonelli Dominic Anthony Tony 1967-08-23 Detroit, Michigan, USA USA
Apt Jerome, Jay 1949-04-28 Springfield, MA USA
Arcebarskij Anatolij Pavlovič 1956-09-09 Prosjanaja, Dněpropet.o. RUS
Archambault Lee Joseph 1960-08-25 Oak Park, Illinois, USA USA
Armstrong Neil Alden 1930-08-05 Wapakoneta, Ohio USA
Arnold Richard Robert Ricky 1963-11-26 Cheverly, Maryland, USA USA
Artěmjev Oleg Germanovič 1970-12-28 Riga, Litva RUS
Arťuchin Jurij Petrovič 1930-07-22 Persutino, Rusko RUS
Ashby Jeffrey Shears 1954-06-16 Dallas, Texas USA
Aťkov Oleg Jurijevič 1949-05-09 Chvorostjanka RUS
Aubakirov Toktar Ongarbajevič 1946-07-27 Karkaralinsk, Kazachstán KAZ
Avdějev Sergej Vasiljevič 1956-01-01 Čapajevsk, Rusko RUS
Surname Name Second Name Nick Date of birth Place of birth Code
Gaffney Francis Andrew, Drew 1946-06-09 Carlsbad, New Mexico USA
Gagarin Jurij Alexejevič 1934-03-09 Klušino, Rusko RUS
Garan Ronald John 1961-10-30 Yonkers, NY, USA USA
Gardner Dale Allan 1948-11-08 Fairmont, Minnesota USA
Gardner Guy Spencer 1948-01-06 Virginia USA
Garn Edwin Jacob, Jake 1932-10-12 Richfield, Utah USA
Garneau Marc Joseph Jean-Pierre 1949-02-23 Quebec city, Kanada CAN
Garriott Owen Kay 1930-11-22 Enid, Oklahoma USA
Garriott Richard Allen 1961-07-04 Cambridge, GB USA
Gemar Charles Donald, Sam 1955-08-04 Yankton, SD USA
Gernhardt Michael Landon 1956-05-04 Mansfield, OH USA
Gibson Edward George 1936-11-08 Bufallo, New York USA
Gibson Robert Lee, Hoot 1946-10-30 Cooperstown, New York USA
Gidzenko Jurij Pavlovič 1962-03-26 Elaněc, Ukrajina RUS
Glazkov Jurij Nikolajevič 1939-10-02 Moskva RUS
Glenn John Herschell 1921-07-18 Cambridge, Ohio USA
Godwin[ová] Linda Maxine 1952-07-02 Cape Girardeau, MO USA
Good Michael Timothy 1962-10-13 Parma, Ohio, USA USA
Gorbatko Viktor Vasiljevič 1934-12-03 Vency-Zarja, Ukrajina RUS
Gordon Richard Francis, Dick 1929-10-05 Seattle, Washington USA
Gorie Dominic Lee Pudwill 1957-05-02 Lake Charles, Louisiana USA
Grabe Ronald John 1945-06-13 New York, NY USA
Grečko Georgij Michajlovič 1931-05-25 Leningrad RUS
Gregory Frederick Drew 1941-01-07 Washington, DC USA
Gregory William George 1957-05-14 Lockport, New York USA
Griggs David Stanley 1937-09-07 Portland, Oregon USA
Grissom Virgil Ivan, Gus 1926-04-03 Mitchell, Indiana USA
Grunsfeld John Mace 1958-10-10 Chicago, IL USA
Gubarev Alexej Alexandrovič 1931-03-29 Gvardejcy, Rusko RUS
Guidoni Umberto 1954-08-18 Řím, Itálie ITA
Gurragčá Dzügderdemidin 1947-12-15 Gurvan-Bulak MNG
Gutierrez Sidney McNeill 1951-06-27 Albuquerque, New Mexiko USA
Sacco Albert, Jr. 1949-05-03 Boston, Massachusetts USA
Samokutjajev Aleksandr Michajlovič 1970-03-13 Penza, Rusko RUS
Sarafanov Gennadij Vasiljevič 1942-01-01 Siněňkije, Rusko RUS
Šargin Jurij Georgijevič 1960-03-20 Engels, Rusko RUS
Šaripov Saližan Šakirovič 1964-08-28 Uzgen, Kirgízie RUS
Šarma Rákeš 1949-01-13 Patiala, Indie IND
Šatalov Vladimír Alexandrovič 1927-12-08 Petropavlovsk, KazSSR RUS
Satcher Robert Lee Bobby 1965-09-22 Hampton, Virginia, USA USA
Savická Světlana Jevgenjevna 1948-08-08 Moskva RUS
Savinych Viktor Petrovič 1940-03-07 Berjozkiny, Rusko RUS
Schirra Walter Marty 1923-03-12 Hackensack, New Jersey USA
Schlegel Hans Wilhelm 1951-08-03 Überlingen, SRN DEU
Schmitt Harrison Hagan 1935-07-03 Santa Rita, New Mexico USA
Schweickart Russell Louis, Rusty 1935-10-25 Neptune, New Jersey USA
Scobee Francis Richard, Dick 1939-05-19 Cle Elum, Washington USA
Scott David Randolph 1932-06-06 San Antonio, Texas USA
Scott Winston Elliott 1950-08-06 Miami, Florida USA
Scully-Power Paul Desmond 1944-05-28 Austrálie USA
Searfoss Richard Alan 1956-06-05 Mount Clemens, MI USA
Seddon[ová] Rhea Margaret 1947-11-08 Murfreesboro, Tennessee USA
Sega Ronald Mark 1952-12-04 Cleveland, Ohio USA
Sellers Piers John 1955-04-11 Crowborough, Sussex, GB USA
Serebrov Alexandr Alexandrovič 1944-02-15 Moskva RUS
Sevasťjanov Vitalij Ivanovič 1935-07-08 Krasnouralsk, Rusko RUS
Sharman[ová] Helen Patricia 1963-05-30 Sheffield GBR
Shaw Brewster Hopkinson 1945-05-16 Cass City, Michigan USA
Shepard Alan Bartlett 1923-11-18 East Derry, New Hampsire USA
Shepherd William McMichael 1949-07-26 OAK Ridge, TN USA
Shriver Loren James 1944-09-23 Jefferson, Iowa USA
Shuttleworth Mark Richard 1973-09-18 Welkom, JAR ZAF
Simonyi Charles (Károly) 1948-09-10 Budapešť, Maďarsko USA
Škaplerov Anton Nikolajevič 1972-02-20 Sevastopol, Rusko RUS
Skripočka Oleg Ivanovič 1969-12-24 Něvinomysk, Rusko RUS
Skvorcov Aleksandr Aleksandrovič 1966-05-06 Ščolkovo, Rusko RUS
Slayton Donald Kent, Deke 1924-03-01 Sparta, Wisconsin USA
Smith Steven Lee, Steve 1958-12-30 Phoenix, AR USA
Solovjov Vladimír Alexejevič 1946-11-11 Moskva RUS
Solovjov Anatolij Jakovlevič 1948-01-16 Riga, Lotyšsko RUS
Šonin Georgij Stěpanovič 1935-08-03 Roveňki, Ukrajina RUS
Spring Sherwood Clark, Woody 1944-09-03 Hartford, Connecticut USA
Springer Robert Clyde 1942-05-21 St.Louis, Missouri USA
Stafford Thomas Patten 1930-09-17 Weatherford, Oklahoma USA
Stefanyshyn-Piper[ová] Heidemarie Martha 1963-02-07 Sait Paul, Minnesota USA
Stewart Robert Lee 1942-08-13 Washington USA
Still[ová] Susan Leigh 1961-10-24 Augusta, Georgia USA
Stott[ová] Nicole Marie 1962-11-19 Albany, NY, USA USA
Strekalov Gennadij Michajlovič 1940-10-28 Mytišči, Rusko RUS
Sturckow Frederick Wilford, Rick 1961-08-11 La Mesa, CA (Kalifornie) USA
Šukor Muszafar al Masrie bin Šejch 1972-07-27 Kuala Lumpur, Malajsie MYS
Sullivan[ová] Kathryn Dwyer 1951-10-03 Ottawa, KS USA
Surajev Maksim Viktorovič 1972-05-27 Čeljabinsk, Rusko RUS
Swanson Steven Roy 1960-12-03 Syracuse, New York, USA USA
Swigert John Leonard 1931-08-30 Denver, Colorado USA
MacLean Steven Glenwood, Steve 1954-12-14 Ottawa, ONT, Kanada CAN
Magnus[ová] Sandra Hall 1964-10-30 Belleville, Illinois USA
Makarov Oleg Grigorjevič 1933-01-06 Udomlja, Rusko RUS
Malenčenko Jurij Ivanovič 1961-12-22 Světlovodsk, Ukrajina RUS
Malerba Franco 1946-10-10 Genova (Janov), Itálie ITA
Malyšev Jurij Vasiljevič 1941-08-27 Nikolajevsk, Rusko RUS
Manakov Gennadij Michajlovič 1950-06-01 Jefimovka, Rusko RUS
Manarov Musa Chiramanovič 1951-03-22 Baku RUS
Marshburn Thomas Henry Tom 1960-08-29 Statesville, NC, USA USA
Massimino Michael James 1962-08-19 Oceanside, New York USA
Mastracchio Richard Alan, Rick 1960-02-11 Waterbury, Connecticut USA
Mattingly Thomas Kenneth, Ken 1936-03-17 Chicago, Illinois USA
McArthur William Surles 1951-07-26 Laurinburg, NC USA
McArthur[ová] Katherine Megan 1971-08-30 Honolulu, Havaj, USA USA
McBride Jon Andrew 1943-08-14 Charleston, Záp.Virginia USA
McCandless Bruce 1937-06-08 Boston, Massachussetts USA
McCool William Cameron Willie 1961-09-23 San Diego, Kalifornie USA
McCulley Michael James 1943-08-04 San Diego, California USA
McDivitt James Alton 1929-06-10 Chicago, Illinois USA
McMonagle Donald Ray, Don 1952-05-14 Flint, MI USA
McNair Ronald Erwin 1950-10-21 Lake City, Sev.Carolina USA
Meade Carl Joseph 1950-11-16 Chanute AFB, IL USA
Melnick Bruce Edward 1949-12-05 New York, NY USA
Melroy[ová] Pamela Ann 1961-09-17 Palo Alto, Kalifornie USA
Melvin Leland Devon Lee 1957-04-06 Lynchburg, Virginia, USA USA
Merbold Ulf Dietrich 1941-06-20 Greiz, Německo DEU
Messerschmid Ernst Willi 1945-05-21 Reutlingen DEU
Metcalf-Lindenburger[ová] Dorothy Marie Dottie 1975-05-02 Colorado Springs, USA USA
Misurkin Aleksandr Aleksandrovič 1977-09-23 Jeršiči, Rusko RUS
Mitchell Edgar Dean 1930-09-17 Hereford, Texas USA
Mohri Mamoru Mark 1948-01-29 Yoichi-machi, Japonsko JPN
Mománd Abdul Ahad 1959-01-01 Sarda, provincie Ghazní AFG
Morgan[ová] Barbara Radding 1951-11-28 Fresno, Kalifornie, USA USA
Morin Lee Miller Emile 1952-09-09 Manchester, New Hampshire USA
Morukov Boris Vladimírovič 1950-10-01 Moskva, Rusko RUS
Mukai[ová] Chiaki (roz. Naito[ová]) 1952-05-06 Tokio, Japonsko JPN
Mullane Richard Michael 1945-09-10 Wichita Falls, Texas USA
Musabajev Talgat Amangeldyjevič 1951-01-07 Kargala, Kazachstán KAZ
Musgrave Story Franklin 1935-08-19 Boston, Massachusetts USA
Bagian James Philip 1952-02-22 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania USA
Baker Michael Allen, Mike 1953-10-27 Memphis, TN USA
Baker[ová] Ellen Louise (roz. Shulman[ová]) 1953-04-27 Fayetteville,Sev.Carolina USA
Balandin Alexandr Nikolajevič 1953-07-30 Frjazino, Moskevska obl. RUS
Barrat Michael Reed 1959-04-16 Vancouver, Washington, USA USA
Barry Daniel Thomas 1953-12-30 Norwalk, Connecticut USA
Bartoe John-David Francis 1944-11-17 Abington, Pennsylvania USA
Baturin Jurij Michajlovič 1949-06-12 Moskva, Rusko RUS
Baudry Patrick Pierre Roger 1946-03-06 Douala, Kamerun FRA
Bean Alan LaVern 1932-03-15 Wheeler, Texas USA
Behnken Robert Louis 1970-07-28 Creve Coeur, Missouri,USA USA
Běljajev Pavel Ivanovič 1925-06-26 Čeliščevo, Rusko RUS
Bella Ivan 1964-05-21 Brezno, Slovensko SVK
Beregovoj Georgij Timofejevič 1921-04-15 Fjodorovka, Ukrajina RUS
Berezovoj Anatolij Nikolajevič 1942-04-11 Enem, Rusko RUS
Blaha John Elmer 1942-08-26 San Antonio, Texas USA
Bloomfield Michael John 1959-03-16 Flint, Michigan USA
Bluford Guion Stewart, Guy 1942-11-22 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania USA
Bobko Karol Joseph, Bo 1937-12-23 New York USA
Boe Eric Allen 1964-10-01 Miami, Florida, USA USA
Bolden Charles Frank 1946-08-19 Columbia, South Carolina USA
Bondar[ová] Roberta Lynn 1945-12-14 Sault Ste.Marie, Ont,Can. CAN
Borisenko Andrej Ivanovič 1964-04-17 Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg), Rusko RUS
Borman Frank Frederick 1928-03-14 Gary, Indiana USA
Bowen Stephen Gerard 1964-02-13 Cohasset, MA, USA USA
Bowersox Kenneth Duane 1956-11-14 Portsmouth, VA USA
Brady Charles Eldon 1951-08-12 Pinehurst, NC USA
Brand Vance DeVoe 1931-05-09 Logmont, Colorado USA
Brandenstein Daniel Charles 1943-01-17 Watertown, Wisconsin USA
Bresnik Randolph James Randy 1967-09-11 Fort Knox, Kentucky, USA USA
Bridges Roy Dunbard 1943-07-19 Atlanta, Georgia USA
Brown Mark Neil 1951-11-18 Valparaiso, IN USA
Brown Curtis Lee, Curt 1956-03-11 Elizabethtown, NC USA
Brown David McDowell 1956-04-16 Arlington, Virginia USA
Buchli James Frederick 1945-06-20 New Rockford, S.Dakota USA
Buckey Jay Clark M.D. 1956-06-06 New York, New York USA
Budarin Nikolaj Michajlovič 1953-04-29 Kirja, Čuvašská obl. RUS
Burbank Daniel Christopher 1961-07-27 Manchester, Connecticut USA
Bursch Daniel Wheeler, Dan 1957-07-25 Bristol, PA USA
Bykovskij Valerij Fjodorovič 1934-08-02 Pavlovskij Posad, Rusko RUS


Shortcut Name Country
AUSLIG Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (AUSLIG), Canberra AUS
ACES Asia Cellular Satellite International Ltd. (ACeS), BMU
ASU Astronomický ústav (AsÚ) AV ČR, Ondřejov u Prahy CZE
API Astrophysikalisches Institut Postdam (API), Potsdam DEU
ASTRIUMB Astrium Space Infrastructure (dř. DASA), Bremen DEU
AEROSPAT Aérospatiale, Les Mureaux FRA
AERSPMAT Aerospatiale Matra, Paris FRA
AESPED-C Alcatel Space Industries (dř. Aérospatiale Espace et Defense) Cannes FRA
AESPED-M Aérospatiale Espace et Defense, Les Mureaux FRA
ALCATEL Alcatel Espace, Cannes FRA
ALCAT-CT Alcatel Space Industries (dř. Aérospatiale Espace et Defense), Cannes a Toulouse FRA
ALCAT-T Alcatel Espace Industries, Cannes v závodech v Toulouse FRA
APT APT Satellite Holdings Ltd., Hong Kong CHN
ASIASAT Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. (AsiaSat), Xianggang /=Siang-kang/ (Victoria) (Čína, dř. Hongkong) CHN
ANTRIX Antrix Corp. Ltd., Bangalore /=Bengalúr/ IND
ALENIA Alenia Spazio, Torino ITA
ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Roma ITA
ACES Asia Cellular Satellite (ACeS) Phillipines, Manila PHL
AN Rossijskaja akademija nauk (RAN), Moskva RUS
Arabsat Arabsat, Ar Riyadh /=Rijád/ SAU
AEROASTR AeroAstro, Herndon, VA USA
AEROJETE Aerojet Electronic Systems Div., Azusa, CA USA
AEROJET Aerojet General USA
AEROSPCO The Aerospace Corp., El Segundo, CA USA
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Kirtland AFB, NM USA
ALASCOM Alaska Communications, Inc. (Alascom) USA
AMERICOM GE American Communications, Inc. (Americom), Princeton, NJ USA
AMSC Motient Corp. (dříve AMSC), Reston, VA USA
APL Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD USA
ARC NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), Moffett Field, CA USA
ARIZSU Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ USA
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Washington, DC USA
Arianespace Arianespace FRA
Aalborg Universitet Aalborg Universitet DNK
AeroAstro AeroAstro USA
Aerospace Corp. Aerospace Corp. USA
Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite CHN
Aerospatiale Aerospatiale FRA
Aerospatiale Matra Aerospatiale Matra FRA
AKO Poljot AKO Poljot RUS
AKO Poljot AKO Poljot SUN
Alcatel Alenia Space Alcatel Alenia Space FRA
Alcatel Espace Alcatel Espace FRA
Alcatel SI Alcatel SI FRA
Alcatel Space Alcatel Space FRA
Alenia Aerospazio Alenia Aerospazio ITA
Alenia Spazio Alenia Spazio ITA
Amsat de France Amsat de France FRA
Amsat Deutschland Amsat Deutschland DEU
AMSAT-Argentina AMSAT-Argentina ARG
Amsat-France Amsat-France FRA
Amsat-IN Amsat-IN IND
Amsat-NA Amsat-NA USA
Andøya Rocket Range Andøya Rocket Range NOR
APT Satellite APT Satellite CHN
Arizona State University Arizona State University USA
Arzenal Arzenal RUS
AsiaSat AsiaSat HKG
Astrium Astrium DEU
Astrium Astrium FRA
Astrium Astrium GBR
Astronautics Technology Astronautics Technology MYS
Astronomický ústav AV ČR Astronomický ústav AV ČR CZE
AT&T Alascom AT&T Alascom USA
Alaska Aerospace Corp. Alaska Aerospace Corp. USA
Anna University Anna University IND
Aprize Satellite Aprize Satellite USA
Astrokosmičeskij centr FIAN Astrokosmičeskij centr FIAN RUS
Auburn University Auburn University USA
Avanti Avanti GBR
Azerkosmos OJSC Azerkosmos OJSC AZE
Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana (EXA) Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana (EXA) ECU
Airbus Defence and Space Airbus Defence and Space FRA
AO Republikové centrum kosmických spojů AO Republikové centrum kosmických spojů KAZ
ABAE Venezuelská agentura pro kosmické aktivity VEN
Astrofein Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof DEU
American University of Sharjah American University of Sharjah ARE


Code Short name Official name
AFG Afghanistan the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
ALG Algeria People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
ANT Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles
ARE United Arab Emirates (the) the United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentina the Argentine Republic
AUS Australia Australia
AUT Austria the Republic of Austria
AZE Azerbaijan the Republic of Azerbaijan
BEL Belgium the Kingdom of Belgium
BGD Bangladesh People’s Republic of Bangladesh
BGR Bulgaria the Republic of Bulgaria
BLR Belarus the Republic of Belarus
BMU Bermuda Bermuda
BOL Bolivia, Plurinational State of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
BRA Brazil the Federative Republic of Brazil
CAN Canada Canada
CHE Switzerland the Swiss Confederation
CHL Chile the Republic of Chile
CHN China the People’s Republic of China
CSK Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
CSR China & Sri Lanka China & Sri Lanka
CUB Cuba the Republic of Cuba
CYM Cayman Islands (the) Cayman Islands (the)
CYP Cyprus the Republic of Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic (the) the Czech Republic
DDR East Germany German Democratic Republic
DEU Germany the Federal Republic of Germany
DNK Denmark the Kingdom of Denmark
DZA Algeria the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
ECU Ecuador the Republic of Ecuador
EGY Egypt the Arab Republic of Egypt
ESP Spain the Kingdom of Spain
EST Estonia the Republic of Estonia
FIN Finland the Republic of Finland
FRA France the French Republic
GBR United Kingdom (the) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GHA Ghana Republic of Ghana
GRC Greece Hellenic Republic
GUY Guyana the Republic of Guyana
HKG Hong Kong the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
HUN Hungary Hungary
IDN Indonesia the Republic of Indonesia
IND India the Republic of India
IRK Iraq the Republic of Iraq
IRN Iran (the Islamic Republic of) the Islamic Republic of Iran
ISR Israel the State of Israel
ITA Italy the Republic of Italy
JPN Japan Japan
KAZ Kazakhstan the Republic of Kazakhstan
KOR Korea (the Republic of) the Republic of Korea
LAO Laos Laos
LTU Lithuania Republic of Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
MAR Morocco the Kingdom of Morocco
MCO Monaco the Principality of Monaco
MEX Mexico the United Mexican States
MNG Mongolia Mongolia
MYS Malaysia Malaysia
NGA Nigeria the Federal Republic of Nigeria
NLD Netherlands (the) the Kingdom of the Netherlands
NOR Norway the Kingdom of Norway
NZL New Zealand New Zealand
PAK Pakistan the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PER Peru the Republic of Peru
PHL Philippines (the) the Republic of the Philippines
POL Poland the Republic of Poland
PRK Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of) the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
PRT Portugal the Portuguese Republic
QAT Qatar the State of Qatar
ROM Romania Romania
RUS Russian Federation (the) the Russian Federation
SAU Saudi Arabia the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SNG Singapore the Republic of Singapore
SRI Sri Lanka the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
SUN Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
SVK Slovakia the Slovak Republic
SWE Sweden the Kingdom of Sweden
THA Thailand the Kingdom of Thailand
TUK Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
TUR Turkey the Republic of Turkey
TWN Taiwan (Province of China) Taiwan (Province of China)
UKR Ukraine Ukraine
URU Uruguay the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
USA United States (the) the United States of America
VEN Venezuela Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
VNM Viet Nam the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
XCB China & Brasil China & Brasil
XEM Eumetsat European Meteorological Satellite Organization (Eumetsat)
XER ESRO European Space Research Organization (ESRO)
XES ESA European Space Agency (ESA)
XET Eutelsat European Telecommunication Satellite Organization (Eutelsat)
XFD France & Germany France & Germany
XFI France & Italy France & Italy
XIM Inmarsat International Maritime Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)
XIT Intelsat International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (ITSO, Intelsat)
XNA NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
XST Singapore & Taiwan Singapore & Taiwan
XTM Turkmenistan & Monaco Turkmenistan & Monaco
XUJ USA & Japan USA & Japan
ZAF South Africa the Republic of South Africa


General Geosynchronous Military Space probes Manned
Navigational Meteorological Remote sensing Student CubeSat

Planned launches

Date Time Launcher Spaceport Cargo
23.06.2017 03:59:?? PSLV Shriharikota Cartosat 2E
23.06.2017 18:10:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range BulgariaSat 1
25.06.2017 20:24:59 Falcon 9 FT Western Test Range Iridium NEXT 11-20
28.06.2017 20:55:?? Ariane 5 ECA Spaceport Guyana Inmarsat S-band/Hellas-Sat 3 & GSAT 17
??.06.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range SES 11/EchoStar 105
01.07.2017 23:35:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range Intelsat 35e
02.07.2017 ??:??:?? Long March 5 Wenchang Shijian 18
14.07.2017 06:36:?? Soyuz-2.1a Baikonur Kanopus-V-IK
15.07.2017 05:00:?? Minotaur 4 Eastern Test Range ORS 5
28.07.2017 15:41:?? Soyuz FG Baikonur Soyuz MS-05 (ISS 51S)
01.08.2017 ??:??:?? Vega Centre Spatial Guayanais Optsat 3000 & Venus
03.08.2017 12:40:?? Atlas 5 401 Eastern Test Range TDRS M
11.08.2017 05:00:?? H-2A Tanegashima Michibiki 3
14.08.2017 07:01:?? Atlas 5 541 Western Test Range NROL-42
31.08.2017 ??:??:?? Atlas 5 421 Eastern Test Range NROL-52
31.08.2017 ??:??:?? Ariane 5 ECA Spaceport Guyana Intelsat 37e & BSAT 4a
??.08.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range CRS-12
??.08.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Western Test Range Iridium Next 21-30
??.08.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range OTV-5
12.09.2017 ??:??:?? Soyuz FG Baikonur Soyuz MS-06 (ISS 52S)
12.09.2017 ??:??:?? Antares Wallops Island OA-8
21.09.2017 09:47:?? Delta 2 7920 Western Test Range JPSS 1
21.09.2017 ??:??:?? Rockot Pleseck Sentinel 5p
??.09.2017 ??:??:?? Minotaur-C Western Test Range Skysat
12.10.2017 ??:??:?? Soyuz 2.1a Baikonur Progress MS-7 (ISS 68P)
??.10.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Western Test Range Iridium Next 31-40
11.10.2017 ??:??:?? Atlas 5 531 Eastern Test Range AEHF 4
09.11.2017 ??:??:?? Atlas 5 411 Eastern Test Range SBIRS GEO Flight 4
14.11.2017 ??:??:?? Pegasus XL Unknown/unspecified spaceport ICON
17.11.2017 ??:??:?? Antares Wallops Island OA-9
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Rockot Pleseck Sentinel 3B
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range Crew Dragon Demo 1
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Ariane 5 ES Spaceport Guyana Galileo 19-22
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Long March 5 Wenchang Chang’e 5
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Vega Centre Spatial Guayanais ADM-Aeolus
??.11.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range CRS-13
13.12.2017 ??:??:?? Delta 4 Medium+ (5,2) Western Test Range NROL-47
27.12.2017 ??:??:?? Soyuz FG Baikonur Soyuz MS-07 (ISS 53S)
??.12.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Western Test Range Iridium Next 41-50
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Western Test Range Formosat 5 & Sherpa
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range CRS-13
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon 9 FT Eastern Test Range Koreasat 5A
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Epsilon Uchinoura ASNARO 2
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Electron Mahia Flight 2
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Proton M Baikonur AsiaSat 9
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Proton M Baikonur Amazonas 5
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? H-2A Tanegashima Michibiki 4
??.??.2017 ??:??:?? Falcon Heavy Eastern Test Range Demo Flight
??.03.2018 ??:??:?? Atlas 5 551 Eastern Test Range AFSPC 11
05.05.2018 ??:??:?? Atlas V 401 Western Test Range InSight
??.??.2018 ??:??:?? Ariane 5 ECA Spaceport Guyana BepiColombo
??.??.2018 ??:??:?? Falcon Heavy Eastern Test Range STP-2
??.??.2018 ??:??:?? Delta 4 Medium+ (4,2) Eastern Test Range GPS 3-01